Publication date 2022 - Clinical Study
Pereira H, Cengiz IF, Silva‑Correia J, Oliveira JM., Vasconcelos JC, Gomes S, Ripoll PL, Karlsson J, Reis RL, Espregueira-Mendes J

Integration of polyurethane meniscus scaffold during ACL revision is not reliable at 5 years despite favourable clinical outcome

Simultaneous ACL reconstruction and partial meniscus replacement using a polyurethane scaffold provides
favourable clinical outcomes in the treatment of symptomatic patients with previously failed ACL reconstruction and partial
medial meniscectomy at 5 years. However, MRI evaluation suggests that integration of the scaffold is not consistent.

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2021 - Clinical Study

A comparison between Polyurethane and Collagen Meniscal Scaffold for Partial Meniscal Defects: Similar positive clinical results at a mean of 10-Years of Follow-up.

Filardo G, Grassi A, Lucidi GA, Poggi A, Reale D, Zaffagnini S
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2003 - Basic Science

A porous polymer scaffold for meniscal lesion repair–a study in dogs.

Buma P, de Groot JH, Heijkants RG, Pennings AJ., Tienen TG, Veth RP
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