Publication date 2013 - Systematic Review
Papalia R, Franceschi F, Diaz Balzani L, D'Adamio S, Maffulli N, Denaro V.

Scaffolds for partial meniscal replacement: an updated systematic review.

Areas of agreement
Fifteen studies were included, all prospective studies, but only 2 were randomized controlled trials. Biological scaffolds were involved in 12 studies, 2 studies investigated synthetic scaffolds, whereas 1 remaining article presented data from the use of both classes of device. The mean modified CMS was 64.6.
Areas of controversy
Several demographic and biomechanical factors could influence the outcomes of this treatment modality.
Growing points
Partial replacement using both classes of scaffolds achieves significant and encouraging improved clinical results when compared with baseline values or with controls when present, without no adverse reaction related to the device.
There is a need for more and better designed randomized trials, to confirm with a stronger level of evidence the promising preliminary results achieved by the current research.

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2021 - Clinical Study

A comparison between Polyurethane and Collagen Meniscal Scaffold for Partial Meniscal Defects: Similar positive clinical results at a mean of 10-Years of Follow-up.

Filardo G, Grassi A, Lucidi GA, Poggi A, Reale D, Zaffagnini S
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2003 - Basic Science

A porous polymer scaffold for meniscal lesion repair–a study in dogs.

Buma P, de Groot JH, Heijkants RG, Pennings AJ., Tienen TG, Veth RP
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