Publication date 2018 - Review
Cannon WD, DeHaven KE, Kurzweil PR

Meniscus Repair and Replacement.

The importance of preserving the function of the meniscus is seen with renewed interest. There has been an evolution of arthroscopic meniscus repair from inside-out, outside-in, meniscal fixators, to all-inside suturing techniques. Tear patterns once ignored or thought to be irreparable, such as root tears and horizontal cleavage tears, have recently been undergoing repair with promising results. Newer techniques have also recently allowed surgeons to address postmeniscectomy knee pain. Replacing lost tissue with scaffolds or replacing the meniscus with an allograft helps restore function and reduce degenerative changes.

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2021 - Clinical Study

A comparison between Polyurethane and Collagen Meniscal Scaffold for Partial Meniscal Defects: Similar positive clinical results at a mean of 10-Years of Follow-up.

Filardo G, Grassi A, Lucidi GA, Poggi A, Reale D, Zaffagnini S
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2003 - Basic Science

A porous polymer scaffold for meniscal lesion repair–a study in dogs.

Buma P, de Groot JH, Heijkants RG, Pennings AJ., Tienen TG, Veth RP
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